Saturday, November 21, 2015

Finger Lakes Wine News 11/21/15 THANKSGIVING EDITION


- Finger Lakes Dessert wines for Thanksgiving 

- A look at the Finger Lakes wine industry 

- Finger Lakes Community College students design wine labels 

- Best Finger Lakes wine types for Thanksgiving 

- Finger Lakes Wine Festival Poster Contest 

- Are the Finger Lakes on your Bucket List? 

- Finger Lakes wineries shine with solar power 

- Finger Lakes winery protests with wine 

- Dr. Frank Riesling gets nod for Thanksgiving meal 

- New Six Mile Creek owners plan new products 

- Ravines winery owner affected by Paris tragedy 

- Lamoreaux Landing wine listed in best wines to go with James Bond movies 

- Lakewood Vineyards continues to grow 

- Stylecaster's guide to the Finger Lakes 

- Writer discusses Finger Lakes waterfalls 

- Group seeks to preserve Seneca's white deer 

- Good article on pairing wine with Thanksgiving dinner 

HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of my fellow Finger Lakes wine enthusiasts!!! Drink Well!
From the Finger Lakes Weekend Wino